They call me Mommy, Wife, Aunt, Sister, Daughter, Cousin, Niece, and Friend.


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I am blessed to have many people in my life that I love dearly! Take a peek at my life and my family's adventures!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here we go!

Late last night we got the word that Trevor and Lindsay are going to fly to Haiti. They will be flying out Thursday morning and are headed for the US Embassy in Haiti. They will be with a small group of people and have been able to arrange some sort of security. Their goal is to get as many kids as they can who are in the process of US adoption and get them out of there. They will be focusing on three different orphanages. She said there were about 65 children they will try to rescue. They are in the process of coming up with safe ways to get the children from point A to the Embassy. They are hoping to reunite the children with their adopted parents just as soon as they reach American soil. I know that this sounds like an undoable task but we know that miricles happen! I am sure that they will be blessed! We are praying for their safety and the safe return with the children.


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