They call me Mommy, Wife, Aunt, Sister, Daughter, Cousin, Niece, and Friend.


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Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Afternoon

We just heard from Trevor. There have been 2 more tremors today. He says that he is still at the Orphanage and Lindsay is at the Embassy. She has been there since 7 am Haiti time trying to get all of the paperwork in order. My Mom actually talked to him and the call was broken up but he says he is a bit concerned that they may not let Madalyn leave. She is the 16 year old.

In Haiti when a child turns 16 they age out of the adoption process. Even though Trevor and Lindsay had been in the process of adoption with her for well over 1 1/2 years, she turned 16 and they were then told that they couldn't adopt her. Their plan at that point was to send her to school to learn english...(which they have done) and then try to later get her over here on a school visa. They promised her that no matter how long it took or old she was that they would get her home. Because of the earthquake their understanding was that because they had already started the process that there would be a very good chance to bring her out. I think that the question now lies in what the peramiters are with humanitarian parole.

Please pray for this little girl! Pray that she will not have to watch her now brothers and sisters leave without her.

I will let you know more as the info comes.


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